Thursday, March 13, 2008

Trimming Profiles - SolidEdge

Trimming Profiles






Use this to ...

  • Trim and/or delete lines in a profile.
  • Play the video to see how to trim curves by selection and by dragging. Do not adjust your volume; there is no sound associated with this video.


Key Points

  • Assigns the connect constraint between the curves being trimmed.
  • Select the portion of the curve to remove.



  • Solid Edge must be in the Profile mode. Profile mode is automatically activated when creating a sketch feature or creating a profile for a feature.


Process: Trim by Picking


1. clip_image004[1]  Click Trim on the Draw toolbar.

2. In the Graphics window, move the cursor over the curve. The segment to be trimmed highlights.

3. Pick the highlighted segment. The highlighted segment is trimmed.


Process: Trim by Dragging


1. clip_image004[2]  Click Trim on the Draw toolbar.

2. In the Graphics Window, hold the cursor near the curves to trim.

3. Drag the cursor across the curve(s). A drag path displays.

4. Release the left mouse button. The curve(s) trim, extend and/or deletes.



  • When trimming corners by dragging, be sure to drag over the portions of the curves you wish to keep.

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