Friday, March 7, 2008

Angled and Perpendicular Planes - SolidEdge

Creating Angled and Perpendicular Planes




Path: Features | Reference Planes | Angled Plane
| Reference Planes | Perpendicular Plane




Use this to ...

  • Create an angled plane rotated from the intersection of two selected planes or planar faces.
  • Create a perpendicular plane rotated from the intersection of two selected planes or planar faces.
  • The following video demonstrates how to create a reference plane at an angle from another plane, and through a point. It also shows how to create a reference plane perpendicular to an existing plane.
    Do not adjust your volume, there is no sound associated with this video. clip_image009


Process: Creating an Angled Plane

1. clip_image006[1]  Click Angled Plane on the Plane fly-out on the Features toolbar. clip_image003[1]clip_image011

2. In the Graphics window, pick the first reference plane or planar face.

3. In the Graphics window, pick the second reference plane or planar face.

4. In the Graphics window, move the cursor to define the axis of rotation.

5. In the Graphics window, click to set the axis of rotation and display the rotated plane.

6. From the ribbon bar, select the keypoints, type in an angle, or move the cursor in the Graphics window to rotate the new plane. clip_image003[2]clip_image012

Process: Creating a Perpendicular Plane

1. clip_image007[1]  Click Angled Plane on the Plane fly-out on the Features toolbar. clip_image003[3]clip_image011[1]

2. In the Graphics window, pick the first reference plane or planar face.

3. In the Graphics window, pick the second reference plane or planar face.

4. In the Graphics window, move the cursor to define the axis of rotation.

5. In the Graphics window, click to set the axis of rotation and display the perpendicular plane.

6. In the Graphics window, click to create the angled plane.

7. If you wish to try these options, open angle_plane.par.

Editing Planes






Use this to ...

  • Modify a reference plane's parameters.
  • Change the reference plane into a different type.
  • The following video demonstrates how to edit an existing reference plane. The definition is changed from angled to parallel. Do not adjust your volume, there is no sound associated with this video. clip_image009[1]


Key Points

  • When changing plane types, it is necessary to define all of the steps to completely define the plane. Otherwise, either select a different keypoint or enter in a different value.


Process: Editing a Plane

1. clip_image014[1]  Click Select Tool from the Features toolbar. The Select Tool Ribbon Bar becomes active.

2. Select the plane to edit.

3. clip_image015[1]  Click Edit Definition from the ribbon bar. The Edit Definition Ribbon Bar becomes active.

4. Modify the plane parameters as desired.



  • Press ESC to cancel out of an edit operation.

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