Thursday, March 6, 2008

Design Intent - SolidEdge

Design Intent



By having the capability to create feature-based models and parameters, you can capture design intent while modeling. During the course of a design, there are going to be several key pieces of information that you wish to convey. In the past, this has mainly been communicated in the form of a detail drawing. Now you can embed this information as you construct a model.

Play the video for an overview of Design Intent. This file contains sound, so be sure to adjust your volume accordingly.

Establishing Design Intent

Design Intent is accomplished by capturing specific geometric constraints and dimensional relationships between features on the model. Variables can also be created to capture common information like typical round or blend sizes, common wall thickness, standard draft angles, and much more. The design intent can then be conveyed by how the feature is created and dimensioned.

In addition, Solid Edge lets you convey items, like critical fits information, by adding a tolerance directly to a profile dimension. Other items, like inspection symbols and appended text, can also be added. At the start of a design, you may not know what sort of design intent is necessary. By using variables, dimensions, patterns and feature editing, you can change or add design intent to the solid model at any point in the design process.




Path: Tools Variables Variables

Use this to...

• Define custom variables for a part.

• Link custom variables to system-defined variables.

• Modify custom or system-defined variables.

• Play the video for an overview of how to create custom variables, and introduce design intent into your model. Do not adjust your volume; there is no sound associated with this video.

Key Points

• Variables can be linked to several features.

• Capture Design Intent in a model.

Process: Create a Custom Variable

1. Select Tools Variables Variables. The Variable Table displays.

2. In the last open Name cell, type in the name of the variable and press ENTER.

3. In the Value cell, type in the value for the variable and press ENTER.

4. If desired, select the units of the dimension from the Units pull-down.


The default is Distance.

5. Continue entering names and values until you have defined all variables.

6. Click X to close the variables window.

Process: Editing a Variable

1. Select Tools Variables Variables. The Variable Table displays.

2. Click the cell that contains the value to modify.

3. Enter a new value and press ENTER.

4. Continue editing values for all desired variables.

5. Click X to close the variables window.

Process: Linking Variables

1. Select Tools Variables Variables. The Variable Table is displayed.

2. Click the Formula cell that contains the value to link.

3. Enter the Variable Name and press ENTER. The model updates to reflect the new value and the Value cell turns gray.

4. Continue linking values for all desired variables.

5. Click X to close the variables window.

Sample Part Workflow


Overview: This topic is intended to provide you with an example of a typical process for creating a solid part. While these steps will not always be the same for every part, they can be considered an excellent guide.

Play the video for an example of a typical workflow. This file contains sound, so be sure to adjust your volume accordingly.

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