Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sketch Tools- SolidEdge


An ellipse creates a circle that is shortened on one axis. They can be handy in a profile, but can also be a little tricky to constrain. There are two methods for creating an ellipse, By Center and By Three Points. Either method uses the same technique for creating them. When you create an ellipse, you pick the first location of the ellipse, pick the location of the primary axis, then pick the location of the secondary axis.




It is sometimes required to trim curves that overlap or need extending. The Trim functions on the Draw toolbar provide the capability of trimming curves. The command trims back the portions of curves that are selected. This can be done by picking curves individually or by dragging the cursor across the curves to remove. The trim options also apply geometric constraints to the trimmed curves. Using the trim options can be very useful when importing profiles from other CAD packages, such as AutoCAD.




Construction Curves

There are times when you need to create curves in a profile that are helpers in constraining a profile. These curves are called construction curves. To create a construction curve, simply create the required curve or curves as regular geometry. After the geometry is created, you convert the geometry using Construction. This option converts regular curves to construction curves. After the curves are converted, they display in a phantom line font. Construction can also convert a construction curve back into a regular curve.


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