Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Distance Between - SolidEdge

Distance Between






Use this to ...

  • Dimension between elements in a profile showing the linear distance between the selections.
  • Create stacked dimensions quickly.
  • Play the video for a demonstration of how to create a stacked set of dimensions, all from a single origin. Do not adjust your volume; there is no sound associated with this video.


Key Points

  • This option is great for placing a series of dimensions quickly.



  • Solid Edge must be in the Profile mode. The Profile mode is automatically activated when creating a sketch feature or creating a profile for a feature.


Process: Creating Dimensions Between Curves

1. clip_image004[1]  Click Distance Between on the Distance Between fly-out on the Draw toolbar. clip_image001[1]clip_image010

2. If necessary, select the appropriate option from the Orientation list on the ribbon bar.

3. Pick the first curve in the Graphics window. This is the base location of the dimension set.

4. Pick the second curve in the Graphics window. The dimension outline displays.

5. Pick the location of the first dimension in the Graphics window.

6. If desired, pick a third curve in the Graphics window. The dimension outline displays.

7. Pick the location for the second dimension. Solid Edge creates stacked dimensions depending on the cursor position in the Graphics window.

8. Continue picking elements and placing the dimensions in the Graphics window. The dimensions continue the placement style.

9. Right-click in the Graphics window to finish or select a new base location.



  • If you are having difficulty trying to place a dimension tangent to a circle or arc, try picking just to either side of where you had been picking on the circle or arc (pick off the axis).

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