Thursday, March 13, 2008

Advanced Constraints Overview - SolidEdge

Advanced Constraints Overview





Overview: In the Basic Profile Creation unit, you were shown some of the more commonly used constraints. Those constraints are used a high percentage of time when creating profiles. Play the video to see a demonstration of adding some of the advanced constraints. This is a sound video, so please adjust your volume accordingly.



The Concentric command forces two circles or arcs to share the same arc center. It is located on the Features and Relationships toolbar. The concentric constraint is displayed as two circles at the arc center of the selected curves.





The Parallel command makes two lines parallel to each other. This constraint does not need to be applied to lines that are already horizontal or vertical. The parallel constraint displays as two small parallel lines at the midpoint of a line.





Perpendicular forces two lines to be at a 90-degree angle to each other. Again, this constraint does not need to be applied to lines that are already horizontal and vertical. This constraint is displayed in the graphics window with small box at the intersection of the two lines.





The Equal command makes two curves equal in size. The two curves must be the same curve type, so you cannot apply an Equal constraint between a line and an arc. This constraint is displayed as a small equal sign at the midpoint of each curve.


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